Friday, August 1, 2008

Couch Potato...pill...elite...

According to this research article, exercise in a pill is upon us. This sounds awesome for those that have a medical need and I applaud the scientist’s doing this research and why they are doing it, but unfortunately there is a downside as well.

My guess is either already or very soon there will be human consumption of this pill in an unintended manner. There is already a doping epidemic in sports at all levels and as noted by Le Tour de France this year, so it is just a matter of time until this drug is added to their repertoire. When elite athletes dope it makes national headlines, but when sub-elite athletes dope it doesn't make as many, or any, headlines. I don't know of any friends in my running community that illegally enhance their running, and I don't know if I would want to know. I hope they are not and if they are I hope they understand the long-term outcomes of their short-term actions.

I am not one to go off on a long rant, so this will remain just a few thoughts on a controversial topic, ergo, I stop...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just Breathe...Slowly...

It seems as though different sources are always telling us how to breathe. Here is one link from a news source, which, suggests deep breathing for relaxation. Here is another link from doctor describing how running beyond your capabilities can cause a side-stitch and the root cause is because of how a person breathes. They both seem to have one thing in common. If things are not working out the way you planned, breathing slowly has been shown to help.

As an example, we had some friends over last Thursday night for a get together and one of them was talking about a person they disliked being around because of the way they reacted to everything with the "fight or flight" response. One thing that was noted was how easy it was to tell that the annoying person was in this mode because the short, fast breaths were quite apparent. According to the above, that person needs to slow down and relax by breathing more slowly. Of course, they could also probably benefit from seeing a psychologist for anxiety, but that's a different post.

On a personal note, I have noticed different breathing techniques while running. The one that really caught me off guard was a seasoned runner using a structured breathing technique. She breathed three quick breaths followed by one deep breath. I talked with her coach after our race and he explained it was a technique they used to teach. Most of the time when I am running I don't hear people with structured breathing, but I notice something else. I am usually breathing a lot longer and deeper breaths. I am not sure how or why I developed this, but I am assuming it is just how my body has adapted to my increase in running over the years.

Anyone else have quirky stories related to breathing?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Another weird runner thing...

This is post for those people who thought my PowerBar v Hammer Gel post was an oddity.* Males in running tend to have a problem with chaffing of their nipples. This comes is variations, from slight chaffing to all out bleeding, as in this article. The problem occurs as a result of the shirt a male is wearing rubbing against his nipples because of the motion the chest goes through while running. This problem is compounded when the shirt becomes wet, from sweat, and salty. This combination enhances the shirts "sandpaper" action, thereby, making it not much more than rock being rubbed against a persons chest.

Fortunately, to all males delight, the above problem can be easily averted. As the above article explains a person could use some form of lubricant or a layer of one sided sticky adhesive material. Personally, I have heard of people using Vaseline, Bodyglide, or Band-aids, but I use fabric tape by tearing it into little squares.

To give you the complete story, this post is specifically prompted by my "stupidity" on Sunday morning. I got up in the morning to run with some friends, which was awesome, but I forgot to "tape-up." Unfortunately, I did not realize this until we were on about mile 7 or 8 and I started feeling the discomfort. At that point, I was already dreading the shower. Usually, I leave the tape on for weeks at a time so that when I go out on a run it is one less thing to worry about. Every so often though I think it is a good idea to let them have some time without tape and, as in this case, some times I forget to tape-up before I go run and suffer the consequences. Usually it is a short run, but this weekend I went "all out" and did it on a long run. To say the least, it was an interesting shower.

*I had friends that did not know what I was talking about, thusly, I had to show and explain to what I was referring.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

EQ / What Q?

I have been reading a bit about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) recently and the strange thing is it started in the work place and has, as of this month, been carried over to running. At first I was encouraged to read about this at work, as to, make a better work environment and lead to a more productive workforce. Then, this month's Runner's World came in the mail and there was an article explaining how EQ was important in running/sports, as well. I had never thought about this aspect. The first book I read explained it mostly in terms of how the way a person interacts with someone sets a precedent for how that person will act in return and how a person should keep themselves in check. After contemplating this new found aspect, I realized that it makes a lot of sense, and how everything that is currently happening in a person's life correlates into how a person acts and reacts to everything. Personally, I have found this to be highly relevant when I think back to the marathon I was supposed to run this spring. In training, I just wasn't into it because I was slogging through the snow during winter trying to complete long runs. Emotionally, I was drained. Trying to keep a positive attitude while training through Freakin' cold, windy weather just was not cutting it.

This brings me to my run this morning. I went on a long run with a couple of friends in training for my next marathon and in comparing this run to other long runs I have done it was a lot easier because they ran with me. This brought my EQ up quite a bit. I had forgotten how much fun it is to run with people and joke throughout the run. This makes me look forward to the next run with them. EQ++ check.