Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Drinking water leads to diabetes...

According to this article drinking water that contains arsenic multiplies the possibility that a person will get diabetes. I understand wanting to know what arsenic causes in low levels, but it scares me that we would have to worry about it being prevalent enough in our drinking water to conduct this experiment, especially considering it causes organ failure and death in the right dose. It also makes me wonder what else is in our drinking water that is from man made products. Chemicals put on yards to keep them green and weed free. Of course, the dirt is supposed to filter all of this out before it gets in our drinking water and that is supposed to take many years, but eventually the ground will become saturated. That thought is one reason I prefer to eat organic whenever possible. Then, in theory, a person should not have to worry about ingesting chemicals, or at least not nearly as many.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Massage for recovery...

I have wondered if a massage really helps after exercise. This article explains that massage helps muscles recover. This is how they explained it: "The massaged muscles recovered significantly more function and strength after the four-day trial. Also, the muscles that were not massaged had more damaged muscle fibers and more white blood cells, which can indicate inflammation. The massaged muscles weighed less than the rested muscles, suggesting the massages prevented swelling."

The only thing that is weird, is how they conducted their research. They used a machine to imitate exercise on both hind legs of a sedated rabbit. Then, they used another machine to imitate a Swedish massage on one of the rabbit's legs. After this experiment, the poor rabbits will be running in circles for weeks.