But not one of those days. This morning I rose at the early hour of 5:00 a.m. because...because... Well, I guess because I'm addicted. My chosen vice, of course, isn't just waking up early. "Hi my name is Rakicy and it has been over 15 hours since my last run." This morning was the first bout of speed work that I thoughtfully added to my schedule.
I woke up this morning and noticed it had snowed and was still snowing a little. Awesome.* For some strange reason I love running in the snow. It give me a feeling of being closer to nature. As is snow indicative of the Winter; so is my facial hair length indicative of the cold outside. Once again, having facial hair makes me feel closer to nature. Then there is another aspect of seeing wildlife during my run. Luckily, nothing bigger than rabbits. As I went cruising along the trail this morning there seemed to be rabbits everywhere. I can only imagine what they are thinking. "Here comes slow-poke again, thinking he is spry." or "This trail hasn't had trains on it for a long time...what is that rhythmic noise...Oh just that running chugging by." Even though the rabbits laugh at my attempt of speed and bound away at the sound of huffing and puffing, I enjoy seeing them move about. After I finished my mile repeats I was glad to be home.
Upon returning from my run this morning I was unaware that it would be one of those days, but it was. Apparently, it has been a while since I've revved up my engine and blown out the attached carbon build up. After finishing seven miles this morning I assumed I would be mostly shot for the day, but I was wrong. Some how things worked into a "Runner's High" for most of the day. I felt super focused and seemed to accomplish many things quickly and easily all with an overwhelmingly calm feeling. This never happens. Rather, rarely happens, but when it does it is an awesome feeling. That in a nut shell made it "one of those days." Here's to tomorrow, my two mile run, the fact that it is Friday and mostly to my "understanding" and "loving" wife.**
*never mind the fact that it was single digit wind-chills. I guess it is all about perspective.
**It is very commendable that she is able to withstand and put up with my addiction. If you run into her please extend your condolences and understanding. She puts up with more than one person should.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
11 hours ago