Friday, July 11, 2008

Weighty Subject

Should doctors lecture their patients about their weight? This blog posting from a doctor in the southeast says no, and I am inclined to agree. Most people at least have some idea of what they would have to do to lose weight, but doing it is another story. Personally, I would like to lose 10 to 15 pounds and yes I am a runner and many consider me thin. If I put my measurements into a BMI calculator I end up being just over the line into overweight. Also, I know it is not just the fact that muscle weighs more than fat that I am further up the BMI scale, I do have a fair size piece of jello in my stomach. Although I still have a jiggle and now weigh 180, I remember when I used to weigh quite a bit more. Around 230. Looking back at what motivated me, I would have to say my wife, then girlfriend, started participating in a national weight-loss chain and I was presented with the idea of losing weight for the first time. Along with this was another change in my life; moving into an apartment without enablers to make meals for me. Due to this, I was able to drop approximately 2 to 3 pounds a week without exercise and as a direct result of losing the weight I began to run more and now try to eat better. Of course, I think I still use running as an excuse to eat. As stated above I would like to become faster, but sometimes I feel that I "run to eat."

This change as well as other things in life come with sacrifice, hard-work, desire, and motivation. Personally, I have the desire, but sometimes lack the motivation to put in the sacrifice and hard-work. Good Luck everyone.

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