Friday, July 18, 2008

Running Stride Frequency...

This study by the Department of Kinesiology at UNLV discusses stride rate and its effect on VO2 Max. Their concluding thought was "there is an optimal stride frequency range across speeds
that is important for runners to work within during distance running but not a unique optimal stride frequency at each speed." In my interpretation of the results, it seems that when a person is running their body will choose the right stride frequency automatically, without a thought. Likewise, in another part of the article discussing how testing was completed, the group noted that when testing for stride frequencies, that were not the preferred stride frequency, the participants consistently and inadvertently began approaching their preferred stride frequency. This was seen even though a metronome was utilized for assistance.

Take away: Don't worry about your stride frequency. Your body will automatically figure it out for you.

*Mercer J, Dolgan J, Griffin J, Bestwick A. The physiological importance of preferred stride
frequency during running at different speeds.
JEPonline 2008;11(3):26-32.

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