Yesterday morning I had a chance to say hello, not ello govna, but a nice warm welcome to my big hill route while down in Arkansas. Damn. It said hello, chewed me up, spit me out, and kicked my @$$ to the curb. The combination of running in the heat, humidity, lack of water fountains, and one big hill really shot me down. So much so that on the way back from the turn-around point I had to stop and walk periodically so that I would not be literally kicked to the curb somewhere. Today, however, we went to Little Rock and I took the time to visit Easy Runner (they have moved to: 11525 Cantrell Rd) to get a hand-held water bottle, and some Gu and Hammer Gel. So later in the week when I run the same route I will politely hand that hill a hand-full of smack-down (or so I think...we'll see).
In other news B-Town seems to be faring well away from home and is getting so much attention I am guessing he will soon go in to overload, especially, after tonight and the baby shower.
I went to bed early last night to try to catch up on sleep, and at this point I feel I should have taken a nap this afternoon. My goal is to not have a crapitude tonight or at later this week. I definitely did not realize how much our family would want to see B-Town after he was born. I think it is my tiredness talking, but I could really use some down/me time. I think tomorrow will be one of those days because nothing is planned, but without and plan anything is possible. My mother-inlaw has scheduled a massage for me on Wednesday afternoon/evening, which, I am so looking forward to and I am sure it will help hinder my crapitude as well.
Okay, I'm done...
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