Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baby I was born to run...

As many of my vast readership (2 or 3 people) know, I am a new dad as of May 12, 2009 at 11:15 p.m. I can't believe how much it changes the way I look at things. To know that I am now responsible for another human being, is the scariest thing in the world. Additionally, no matter how he turns out I know it is, at least partially, my fault.

For the purposes of this blog I will call him B-town

Being a new father also has influenced my running. For instance on my first run after B-town's birth every thing and every person made me think of him. For instance I saw a mother with her kids on bikes. Obviously, some day I envisioned myself in that lady's shoes. Later, on my way back I saw a baby rabbit frolicking or running. This made me think of him running some day. This is a lead into an email response I got from a running friend. She asked if I had registered B-town for the Kids Run for Fun event on Friday nights. Obviously, I hadn't, but I am guessing this will be one of the first ways in which I share my love of running and I am looking forward to it.

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