This weekend we went on a trip to Schaumburg near Chicago to finalize our shopping before the baby comes and while G still has some stamina. We went up on Friday night full well knowing that we would need to stay another night because of a dumping of snow that was coming. Staying another night meant I would be running 9 miles on a treadmill for some LSD. My thought was that I had run on a treadmill before and knew if I could zone out watching television I would be "fine." No such luck. The hotel got 13 channels and there was nothing that grabbed my attention. It was going to be a long run. What made it worse was there was no fan to cool off. That made my sweat almost useless for cooling my body. It was a big psychological and physical killer. It was hard to zone out and felt quite hot because I was use to running outside in the subfreezing temperatures. I am glad I got my Long Slow Distance (LSD) run completed, but I am also glad it is over.'s to my love of the treadmill this morning...up yours...
You could have just run around the hotel a couple hundred times...
or run the stairs...
or run about the room
or run the halls
or traipse around the lobby
or run in the indoor pool
or (better) run around the pool
or run to a store
or run home
or run a muck
or run a marathon
or run in yer hose
okay. I am done now. SmartA$$ will now go back into hiding...
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